Style Guide


These colors have been created using Global Swatches. If you edit the Global Swatch color, it will change every element that uses that color swatch.

Code: 00D085
Code: FBE501
Code: 12141D
Code: 2B2B2B
Code: 0E0E0E
Code: 000000
Code: 1B1D2C


The font family used in Finanzo is an open-source font. You can download and view the font license on this page.

Heading 1 - 80px

Heading 2 - 56px

Heading 3 - 36px

Heading 4 - 24px

Heading 5 - 20px

Paragraph Body Text: 18px / Line Hight: 28px / Regular


These are all the buttons that are used in this project. Editing them will reflect the changes on all the other buttons of the project too.